
Rants, diatribes, attempts at humor.

Don't waste a good failure

My troubleshooting rules can really help focus on solving a problem, but maybe first you’d like to not solve the problem for a while.


Well, let’s look at a common sequence of events in creative or constructional work of many kinds:

  1. See a problem.
  2. Figure out how to fix it.
  3. Fix it.

That’s pretty instinctual. Can’t really do those out of order. And once you’ve seen the problem, there is often some amount of urgency to get to the fix.

But the next step, if you’re conscientious, is:


Weber's Troubleshooting Rules

These rules certainly apply to software of all kinds, and electrical engineering, but they are also basic enough to apply to interpersonal issues, group dynamics, etc.

  1. Is it plugged in?
  2. Is it turned on?
  3. Is it working as designed?
  4. What’s changed since it worked?
  5. What don’t you know?
  6. Who haven’t you talked to?
  7. Poke it with a stick.
  8. Simplify!

And a bonus rule:

0. Don’t solve it too soon!

Troubleshooting Rule #4: What's changed since it worked?

Sometimes when troubleshooting, you look at the problem very closely as it exists now. But in many cases, you can look back at what things were like before the problem existed. What worked then, and what has changed since that time? read more...

Troubleshooting Rule #8: Simplify!

If you’ve gotten this far in my troubleshooting rules, this is a tough problem. Maybe you can solve it…

… but maybe instead you can replace the situation with a simpler one that will be less prone to problems? read more...

Troubleshooting Rule #6: Who haven't you talked to?

Maybe you’ve been troubleshooting for a while on your own. Or maybe you’ve discussed the trouble with someone else, but not the right someone else. Who could you talk to? read more...

The Five Stages of Back Pain

Having gone through the cycle of back pain many times, I felt like posting this handy chart to aid in discussion:

Stage Pain Phrase Response Activities
0 none “woohoo” charge around anything
1 tweaks a bit “oh” stretches and strength exercises careful lifting
2 twinges more often “hm” stretches, careful strength exercises, maybe ibuprofen no lifting or bending
3 angrier twinges, aches most of the time “not this again” careful stretches, ibuprofen no smiling or fast movement
4 constant ache and some stabbing “oh no” ibuprofen, cyclobenzaprene no facial expression or unnecessary movement
5 strong pain whenever vertical and often when horizontal “holy sh*t” above + narcotics lie and grimace

Fortunately, none of these last forever. Unfortunately, that includes Stage 0.

When are we going to get artificial discs? I’d like a whole new spine, please. read more...

Troubleshooting Rule #3: Is it working as designed?

Sometimes you start by troubleshooting assuming something’s broken, when really it’s just not working the way you expected. Put another way, it’s “working as designed” - but you and the designer miscommunicated, or disagreed.

Some questions to ask:

Oscar 1994 - 28 November 2009

Oscar on the sidewalk

(the photos below and more are in a gallery of Oscar photos)

I first met Oscar at a party given by Mary Crinnin. I was playing guitar, and he came up and sat next to me all while I was playing. read more...

Manos found guilty

Manos found guilty
Jury convicts Ithaca woman of murder, abuse of niece, 2”

Life recovers.
But not completely.
Wounds heal into scars, sometimes beautiful scars.
But not always.

Troubleshooting Rule #2: Is it turned on?

While troubleshooting, another embarrassing discovery is that the thing in question isn’t working because you didn’t turn it on. This rule could come first, as in some sense it’s more basic than Rule #1, but for the simple AC-powered appliance, you have to plug it in before you can turn it on, so I list it second.

Again, there are lots more useful ways to think about whether you’ve turned something on. For instance: read more...