heathkit et-3400

A 30-year old pipsqueak of a computer. My first.

Another obsolete problem solved!

I have successfully added non-volatile memory - something like a thumb drive - to a 30-year-old computer that had no permanent storage. Basically, the only person who cares is my 9-year-old self. But he’s dancing with glee!

ET-3400 EEPROM board detail

ET-3400 EEPROM board detail

The EEPROM expansion board.

Hello from ET-3400 EEPROM

Hello from ET-3400 EEPROM

The ET-3400 running a “Hello, [World]” program off of an Atmel EEPROM.

Schematic for ET-3400 EEPROM project

Schematic for ET-3400 EEPROM project

Note that I omitted the “obvious” connections, such as address 1-12, data, and power.

ET-3400 project notes

Some technical notes on wiring up an EEPROM to the ET-3400, for those interested. read more...