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Clara: I LOVE STINKY CHEESE andyouandMom!

Nice rain

Clara (walking with her umbrella): It’s a nice day today.

Timothy: Yes, it is.

C: The rain is so nice.

T: I think so too.

Space Girl

Clara sang the chorus of this song to herself during her bath one Sunday after spending much of the afternoon exploring outer space. I wrote the verses. We recorded it a cappella - including all the sound effects.

Recorded May 2, 2009 in honor of Pam Weber’s birthday. Hope we can sing with you soon!

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Henry Hobbes

(“It’s my new poem,” Clara explains.)

Henry Hobbes went to town
Making spirits bright
Along came Santa Bear
With light bulbs all around him
And clocks all around them.


[Katherine has the new Coldplay album on in the living room, loud so she can hear it while cleaning the kitchen. Clara is curled up on the living room couch, listening. Katherine enters.]

K (shouting): IS THIS TOO LOUD FOR YOU??

C (shouting): NO!! IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE LOUD!!