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Eleven Roses

Rose #12

Clara and I often get smiles from strangers as we walk through town, with Clara riding in her backpack, singing and swinging her feet. It was a great feeling that she was so happy: just three days ago she woke up from her nap with a fever of 106 degrees, and spent a traumatic evening in the emergency room. read more...

Hickory Dickory Hat

[Clara is playing. Her mom has given her a small irregularly-shaped piece of leftover fabric with the ends stitched together; she wears it on her head and calls it a hat. She sees a toy clock on a shelf. Starts moving its hands around. Sings:]

Hickory, dickory, dock.
A mouse run up the clock.

[Clara’s “hat” falls off her head. Still singing, in tune:]

My hat fall off,
A mouse run down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

DingBot schematic

DingBot schematic

The current DingBot schematic.

DingBot remote prototype

DingBot remote prototype

The battery-powered DingBot. The main reason for using batteries instead of AC at the moment is just that I’m short of 3V regulators. But, it does feel nice in the hand.

DingBot debuts

I’ve now got a running prototype of what we’re calling the “DingBot,” a paging system for use between the floors of our house. read more...